Trend Analysis & Forecasting
For our senior Trend Analysis & Forecasting class (2023) we were tasked with creating a forecast for F/W 2025 reflective of the zeitgeist. This project had 5 components: forecast zeitgeist, theme and mood, color palette, patterns and textiles, and a shopping list. Everything ultimately aligned with the zeitgeist for which we selected a dominating event, ideal, attitude, social group, and technology. Theme and mood helps exude the feeling that this trend represented. The color palette featured original colors that were named with the theme in mind while the patterns and textiles represented are rooted in a greater meaning (ex: basket-weave was chosen to symbolize the crossing of ideas and harmony that results). Finally, the shopping list was a way to materially create the trend in everyday life.
The “Star-Crossed Lovers” trend moves past rivaling ideas to find the common links between them.
Tradition and innovation, virtue and vice, strength and grace, depth and simplicity. Setting mutual exclusion in the past allows the stars to align.
Born from love and acceptance, we find warm, whimsical, elegant designs—the symbolic flower growing through the bricks. The cosmos, lustrous and ethereal, share the meaning of living harmoniously. Proving there is something larger than us all that points to the value of it; literally written out in the stars.
Idyllic romance partnered with ornate elements brings this complex idea to life. Positivity and light are grounded in a purpose for change.